Brand Guidelines


Our heading typeface is GT Walsheim Bold and our Body copy is IBM Plex Sans and IBM Plex Mono is used in platform.

GT Walsheim

Inspired by the lettering of Swiss poster designer legend Otto Baumberger from the 1930s, GT Walsheim is a friendly but precise typeface.

GT Walsheim BoldGT Walsheim Bold Italic

GT Walsheim guidelines

  • Used for headings only
  • Only the bold weight can be used
  • Avoid using italics as much as possible

IBM Plex Sans

IBM Plex is an open source typeface superfamily conceptually designed and developed by Mike Abbink at IBM in collaboration with Bold Monday.

IBM Plex Sans Regular IBM Plex Sans Regular ItalicIBM Plex Sans Medium IBM Plex Sans Medium ItalicIBM Plex Sans Bold IBM Plex Sans Bold Italic

IBM Plex Sans guidelines

  • Used for all body copy
  • Regular, Medium and Bold weights and italics are permitted

IBM Plex Mono

IBM Plex Mono Regular

IBM Plex Mono guidelines

  • Used for labels and captions only
  • Italics must not be used


Poppins Bold

Poppins guidelines

  • Open source alternative for GT Walsheim
  • Primarily used as headings in Google Products
  • Italics must not be used


Our print sizing guidelines are a good base for utilising our typography at correct sizes if we can base our sizing ratios off this we can effectively create great designs in our brand no matter what the purpose is.

56ptStartup marketing virality iteration
30ptNon-disclosure agreement technology incubator analytics. Market return on investment creative series
16ptAssets hypotheses pivot validation interaction design hypotheses rockstar sales deployment lean startup return on investment pitch seed round leverage early adopters. Virality partnership learning curve market crowdsource churn rate seed round funding business plan success business-to-business gamification startup. Angel investor return on investment business-to-consumer crowdsource.


Stay true to your values. That’s why you were a success in the first place, and that’s how you make incredible things happen.
Andy FitzsimonGlobal Brand Manager, Red Hat


The statistic block is used to highlight important data on the web and break up heavy text sections. Avoid using more than once on a page where possible.


Exports in 12 months


Total revenue


Use the label formatting in cases where you need to include a caption for an image. Ensure the text is smaller than body copy at all times.

This is a label or caption block