Brand Guidelines


Our colour palette is bright, bold and complimentary. The boldness and strength of our colour palette shows off our design credentials.


The red is our signature colour and should be used to create impact and brand presence. Our core colour RED should not exceed 20% usage within the overall design. Paired with NAVY our colours employ maturity and leadership.

  • RGB 228,0,70
  • HEX #E40046
  • CMYK 0,94,64,0
  • RGB 31,42,68
  • HEX #1F2A44
  • CMYK 95,72,15,67


Our secondary palette is complimentary and informs the basis for our extended palette. Toned back contemporary colours ensure our brand is inviting, friendly, fun and energetic. They should be paired thoughtfully with similar contrasting colours and tints.

  • RGB 5,98,149
  • HEX #326295
  • CMYK 94,57,4,18
  • RGB 148,183,187
  • HEX #94B7BB
  • CMYK 39,2,14,10
  • RGB 69,53,54
  • HEX #453536
  • CMYK 53,61,47,83
  • RGB 255,134,116
  • HEX #FF8674
  • CMYK 0,48,50,0
  • RGB 208,211,212
  • HEX #D0D3D4
  • CMYK 7,3,5,8
  • RGB 190,198,196
  • HEX #BEC6C4
  • CMYK 22,4,15,8
  • RGB 16,24,32
  • HEX #101820
  • CMYK 100,79,44,93

Extended Palette

The extended palette consists of all the useable tints and shades of each colour in the palette. They are all helpfully numbered for easy reference. Usage of these colours varies depending on the touch point, but they come in handy for illustrations and components in product.

Red Tints

  • 500
  • RGB 187,0,58
  • HEX #BB003A
  • CMYK 0,100,69,27
  • 400
  • RGB 208,0,64
  • HEX #D00040
  • CMYK 0,100,69,18
  • 300
  • RGB 228,0,70
  • HEX #E40046
  • CMYK 0,94,64,0
  • 200
  • RGB 230,,23,,86
  • HEX #E61756
  • CMYK 0,90,63,10
  • 100
  • RGB 232,46,103
  • HEX #E82E67
  • CMYK 0,80,56,9

Navy Tints

  • 500
  • RGB 29,39,62
  • HEX #1D273E
  • CMYK 53,37,0,76
  • 400
  • RGB 31,42,68
  • HEX #1F2A44
  • CMYK 54,38,0,73
  • 300
  • RGB 51,61,85
  • HEX #333D55
  • CMYK 40,28,0,67
  • 200
  • RGB 71,80,102
  • HEX #475066
  • CMYK 30,22,0,60
  • 100
  • RGB 92,100,119
  • HEX #5C6477
  • CMYK 23,16,0,53

Orange Tints

  • 500
  • RGB 232,122,106
  • HEX #E87A6A
  • CMYK 0,47,54,9
  • 400
  • RGB 255,134,116
  • HEX #FF8674
  • CMYK 0,47,55,0
  • 300
  • RGB 255,145,128
  • HEX #FF9180
  • CMYK 0,43,50,0
  • 200
  • RGB 255,156,141
  • HEX #FF9C8D
  • CMYK 0,39,45,0
  • 100
  • RGB 255,167,153
  • HEX #FFA799
  • CMYK 0,35,40,0

Blue Tints

  • 500
  • RGB 41,81,122
  • HEX #29517A
  • CMYK 66,34,0,52
  • 400
  • RGB 46,90,136
  • HEX #2E5A88
  • CMYK 66,34,0,47
  • 300
  • RGB 50,98,149
  • HEX #326295
  • CMYK 66,34,0,42
  • 200
  • RGB 68,112,158
  • HEX #44709E
  • CMYK 57,29,0,38
  • 100
  • RGB 87,126,168
  • HEX #577EA8
  • CMYK 48,25,0,34

Teal Tints

  • 500
  • RGB 122,150,154
  • HEX #7A969A
  • CMYK 21,3,0,40
  • 400
  • RGB 135,167,170
  • HEX #87A7AA
  • CMYK 21,2,0,33
  • 300
  • RGB 148,183,187
  • HEX #94B7BB
  • CMYK 21,2,0,27
  • 200
  • RGB 157,189,193
  • HEX #9DBDC1
  • CMYK 19,2,0,24
  • 100
  • RGB 167,196,199
  • HEX #A7C4C7
  • CMYK 16,2,0,22

Gray Tints

  • 500
  • RGB 152,154,155
  • HEX #989A9B
  • CMYK 2,1,0,39
  • 400
  • RGB 171,173,174
  • CMYK 2,1,0,32
  • 300
  • RGB 190,192,193
  • HEX #BEC0C1
  • CMYK 2,1,0,24
  • 200
  • RGB 208,211,212
  • HEX #D0D3D4
  • CMYK 2,0,0,17
  • 100
  • RGB 216,219,219
  • CMYK 1,0,0,14

Brown Tints

  • 500
  • RGB 57,44,45
  • HEX #392C2D
  • CMYK 0,23,21,78
  • 400
  • RGB 63,49,50
  • HEX #3F3132
  • CMYK 0,22,21,75
  • 300
  • RGB 69,53,54
  • HEX #453536
  • CMYK 0,23,22,73
  • 200
  • RGB 85,71,72
  • HEX #554748
  • CMYK 0,16,15,67
  • 100
  • RGB 102,89,90
  • HEX #66595A
  • CMYK 0,13,12,60

Slate Tints

  • 500
  • RGB 139,145,143
  • HEX #8B918F
  • CMYK 4,0,1,43
  • 400
  • RGB 156,163,161
  • HEX #9CA3A1
  • CMYK 4,0,1,36
  • 300
  • RGB 173,180,179
  • HEX #ADB4B3
  • CMYK 4,0,1,29
  • 200
  • RGB 190,198,196
  • HEX #BEC6C4
  • CMYK 4,0,1,22
  • 100
  • RGB 201,208,206
  • HEX #C9D0CE
  • CMYK 3,0,1,18

Black Tints

  • 500
  • RGB 16,24,32
  • HEX #101820
  • CMYK 50,25,0,87
  • 400
  • RGB 37,45,52
  • HEX #252D34
  • CMYK 29,13,0,80
  • 300
  • RGB 59,66,72
  • HEX #3B4248
  • CMYK 18,8,0,72
  • 200
  • RGB 81,87,92
  • HEX #51575C
  • CMYK 12,5,0,64
  • 100
  • RGB 102,108,113
  • HEX #666C71
  • CMYK 10,4,0,56


There are several rulings for colour pairing however they can be broken so long as the contrast ratio is okay. For tints try to use a colour spacing in between shades where possible. Use the tool below for allowed colour pairings of our primary swatches.








